This week, Giorgio gave his first talk in the “Holography, transport and strings” seminar series in Ljubljana about his ongoing project. You can see the slides below.
Author: Matteo Baggioli
戴佳乐 will do his undegraduate thesis with us!
We are very happy to welcome 戴佳乐 in our TheoryLab group. 戴佳乐 will do his undergraduate thesis with us on Effective Field Theories, Hydrodynamics and Symmetries.
Together with our colleagues from ITP Beijing and Shanghai University, we organized the annual HoloChina 2021 conference on Holography in Shanghai. It was a success !!
In a recent PRL publication (, a research team led by professor Matteo Baggioli from SJTU Shanghai and professor Alessio Zaccone from University of Milano, discovered, for the first time, well-defined topological defects in amorphous solids by analyzing the topological structure of the dynamical displacement field under deformation. This new description based on topological higher-form symmetries quantifies the amount of non-affine displacements at the atomic/molecular level and uses it as a topological predictor of plastic events using the geometrical concept of dynamical Burgers vector. The new theory provides a very accurate prediction for the yielding point at the plasticity transition of amorphous solids, and explains the occurrence of shear bands ubiquitously observed in experiments.
Our liquids at ITP Beijing
Matteo just presented the recent works published in PNAS and PRL at ITP in Beijing!
Matteo appeared in a video advertisement of the the Physics department of the university!
Yong Jun defended his PhD thesis today!
Matteo attended and presented his recent work in the “GRA 2020/2021 Annual Conference and National Congress on Gravity” in Shenyang, China (23-26 April 2021).
Giorgio got his Master Degree with Laude !
Our future PhD student Giorgio Frangi just defended his master thesis under the supervision of Matteo, Prof. Alessio Zaccone and Prof. Oriol Pujolas. He obtained the maximum grade and he is ready for his next step!
Congratulations Giorgio !!!
And thanks to Alessio and Oriol for supporting TheoryLab!